Sat.Mar 21, 2020 - Fri.Mar 27, 2020

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SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to COVID-19


Response to COVID-19 The $2 trillion stimulus passed by the Senate included $350 billion small business loan program that will be overseen by the Small Business Administration. This will include offering low-interest federal disaster loans to provide working capital to small businesses experiencing an adverse economic impact from COVID-19. The highlights and details of the […].

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How To Get A Certified 409A Valuation

FE International

What is a 409A Valuation? FE International’s 409A Valuation Service offers an appraisal of the fair market value of your company’s common stock. Our report offers a detailed, comprehensive and insightful appraisal, with thorough analysis and reporting, avoiding the use of overly simplified 409A Valuation calculators. As the principal tool for navigating a lucrative and successful sale, a valuation will need to be reliable.


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Careers in Finance with Nareemal Chiengpradit

Andrew Stolz

Nareemal Chiengpradit is a Financial engineering expert. She is currently the Team Head of CoE Solution at TMB Bank PCL. Nareemal has held different business/management consulting roles in the last 15 years. Some of the valuable insights Nareemal shared: It is good to revamp your knowledge. The financial industry is a very fast-moving and highly regulated industry.

Finance 52
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Global Investment Manager & Insurance Company: Vote FOR Appraisal

Appraisal Rights

The Principal Funds, a provider of a suite of investment products including ETFs and mutual funds, recommends voting for appraisal rights in its proxy guidelines. When it comes to mergers themselves, the Principal Funds take a case-by-case approach, considering a litany of factors, including “(1) prospects of the combined companies; (2) anticipated financial and operating benefits; (3) offer price; (4) fairness opinion; (5) how the deal was negotiated; (6) changes in corporate governance and the

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How to Leverage Intent Data for Better Outcomes

Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications

Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.

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How does the SBA 7(a) Loan Program Apply to the COVID-19 Stimulus Package?


The Senate has approved a colossal $2 trillion stimulus package. The key feature of the package is a one-time $1,200 direct payment to adults; however, the legislation included numerous proposals for aimed to help small businesses experiencing adverse impacts from the pandemic. The highlight of the small business relief is a $350 billion small business […].

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The “raison d’être” of treasury finds a wonderful example with the current health crisis.

Simply Treasury

Treasury, a major discipline in finance. Who could argue that treasury is not one of the major disciplines of finance? When business is more strained, working capital requirements and needs higher, treasury is the necessary lifeline. This health crisis will have serious economic consequences. The companies more exposed, such as air transport, travel, hotels and restaurants, bars, entertainment, cinemas, theatres, trade fairs, etc. will face "cash flow" and treasury problems soon.

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Global Asset Manager With Over $100BB AUM: Vote FOR Appraisal

Appraisal Rights

Global asset manager Artisan Partners’ proxy guidelines , like those of other asset managers we’ve covered, include a recommendation to vote for appraisal, specifically, to “Vote FOR proposals to restore, or provide shareholders with, rights of appraisal.”.

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How Can an SBA Loan Help Your Company Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic?


Federal, state, and local governments have encouraged or forced any nonessential businesses to shut down for the sake of “social distancing” practices. This has put a significant dent in the revenues of businesses throughout the country, with many not having the funds to support their current operations for more than a couple more months. However, […].

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The “raison d’être” of treasury finds a wonderful example with the current health crisis.

Simply Treasury

Treasury, a major discipline in finance. Who could argue that treasury is not one of the major disciplines of finance? When business is more strained, working capital requirements and needs higher, treasury is the necessary lifeline. This health crisis will have serious economic consequences. The companies more exposed, such as air transport, travel, hotels and restaurants, bars, entertainment, cinemas, theatres, trade fairs, etc. will face "cash flow" and treasury problems soon.

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Careers in Finance with Okey Umeano

Andrew Stolz

Okey Umeano is the chief economist at the Securities and Exchange Commission Nigeria. Okey holds 20+ years of experience in finance, asset and risk management. Some of the valuable insights Okey shared: Finance is very dynamic and moves quickly. You have to keep up with the pace of the industry. So keep studying, if not you will get outdated very quickly.

Finance 52
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Statement of Cash Flows vs. Cash Flow Statement

Speaker: Wayne Spivak - President and Chief Financial Officer of SBA * Consulting LTD, Industry Writer, and Public Speaker

The old adages that "cash is king" and "you can’t spend profits" still hold true today. But however well-known these sayings might be, it requires a change in mindset to properly implement a cash flow management system that predicts your business's runaway as accurately as possible. Key to this new mindset is understanding the difference between the Statement of Cash Flows, a historical look at the source and uses of cash, and the Cash Flow Statement, which uses transaction history and forward-l

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ETF Provider: Vote FOR Appraisal

Appraisal Rights

Innovator, a provider of ETFs, provides proxy guidelines regarding how its funds will vote on various proposals. For appraisal rights, Innovator’s guidelines state to vote “FOR providing shareholders with appraisal rights.”.

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Can’t Miss Opportunity in the Storm: Estate Planning in a Downturn


We can all admit that today’s COVID-19 environment is nothing sort of strange. We are all operating in an unprecedented environment of both uncertainty and boredom. With all the uncertainty it can be hard to think long term and strategically – but let’s do that (and maybe address some of the boredom too). Let’s talk […].

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The "live" stress test of the entire financial system

Simply Treasury

A live exercise is always better than any test. Are we not experiencing a “live” stress test, never imagined or conceived by a human brain, of a major crisis? At inception, it was certainly a health or biological crisis, which also quickly generated financial consequences. Will it pass this full-scale test? That is the question. I think it can be presupposed.

Banking 52
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Three Approaches to Valuing Your Business

Biz Worth

Certified Business Valuators utilize three approaches when valuing your business. Depending on your specific company, the valuation analyst may use one, two, or even all three approaches. Tune in to hear a brief overview of each approach and how it may be applicable to your valuation. The post Three Approaches to Valuing Your Business appeared first on BizWorth.

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Mastering Intent Data: Understanding its Importance & Best Practices

Speaker: Joe Apfelbaum, CEO of Ajax Union

In this webinar, Joe Apfelbaum, CEO of Ajax Union and business strategist, will take you through the ABCs of intent data. You'll learn how to effectively use it to drive business results, with practical tips on how to leverage both company and contact intent data to maximize your marketing efforts. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just getting started, this webinar is a must-attend for anyone looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

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Careers in Finance with David Adu

Andrew Stolz

David Adu is a goal-oriented, strategic sell-side analyst with a passion for finance, investments and business development. Some of the valuable insights David shared: Combining your experience in whatever science subjects you studied in school gives you an added advantage. Be prepared even before the opportunity comes knocking. . To succeed in finance you need good financial modeling skills or valuation, PowerPoint skills, and soft skills. .

Finance 52
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COVID-19: Financial Planning for Entrepreneurs Right Now


Statistics routinely suggest that a single operating company makes up 80% of most entrepreneurs wealth. And while there is a ton of focus right now on how your 401K and other investments have fared, the real question is actually far broader. How has your entire portfolio fared? Let’s think about it this way: if your […].

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Reviewing ISS’ Catholic-Faith Based Proxy Guidelines: Vote FOR Appraisal

Appraisal Rights

Proxy firm Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) offers a number of proxy guidelines for specific funds, kinds of funds and separate interest groups. We recently wrote about ISS’s sustainability guidelines , which recommend voting in favor of appraisal rights. ISS also provides recommendations for Catholic funds and related entities. Per ISS : “Catholic Advisory Services Recommendation: Vote for proposals to restore, or provide shareholders with, rights of appraisal” – another recommendation

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Webcast Recording: Berkeley Boosts Shorts presents Financial Crises + M&A Markets

Cooley M&A

Berkeley Boosts Shorts are daily conversations with leaders from law and business. On Tuesday, March 24, Cooley M&A co-chair Jamie Leigh spoke on the topic of financial crises + M&A markets. View recording.

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Careers in Finance with James Lan

Andrew Stolz

James Lan is currently a portfolio manager at a local fund management firm based at the center of Bangkok’s financial district. James is responsible for flow and fund management businesses and has 6 years of trading experience. Some of the valuable insights James shared: Communication and soft skills are very important in the finance industry.

Finance 52
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COVID-19 and Outsourcing Accounting


We are receiving a lot of requests from companies that are looking for outsourcing some or all of their internal accounting during the COVID-19 crisis. First, we are feeling the pain too, and definitely get where you are coming from. Second, from a work process and technology perspective we are well positioned to support.

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JDSupra: Canadian Appellate Court Finds Merger Price as Fair Value in Appraisal Case

Appraisal Rights

Per JDSupra , the Yukon Court of Appeal overturned a decision applying a discounted cash flow analysis to a Canadian appraisal proceeding, holding that the trial court failed to give proper consideration of merger price. Citing factors that would be familiar to a US practitioner, including the deal process, the existence (or lack thereof) of other higher bids, and the apparent sophistication of the investor base, the Court found that merger price was more reliable than the DCF calculations put f

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Long-Term Focus: Preparing for Activism + Takeovers Amid COVID-19 Risks

Cooley M&A

Last week we cautioned that market volatility resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to increasing levels of shareholder activism and unsolicited takeover offers. Although the pandemic has raised countless new risks, companies remain vulnerable to activism attacks that focus on short-term objectives and opportunistic takeover bids stemming from the current dislocation in the markets. [1] In times such as these – and in order to protect long-term, stakeholder-focused business objectives

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Webinar: Cash Flow Tools and Tips for RIGHT NOW


This is an exceptionally challenging time for many companies. Join us on this webinar where we will be discussing tools and techniques for managing cash flow *right now*. Plan for this to be a pretty practical session (more common sense, less theory). We’ll plan to keep it pretty short at about 30 minutes. Time: 3/25 […].

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Government Contractors: Thriving, While Surviving COVID-19, Step #2


Step #2. Defend and protect what you have. As I mentioned in my Step #1 article, you have worked hard to get where you are now, congratulations. Okay, the party is over, now you need to focus on not losing everything you worked for. Side note: One thing to note is that these 3 steps […].

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Government Contractors: Thriving, While Surviving COVID-19, Step #1


During times like these, it’s easy, and acceptable, to stop looking at tomorrow and focus on today. You worked hard to get where you are, you don’t want to lose it. However, thriving in the midst of chaos comes in many forms, and using this moment to focusing on today and survive could actually help […].

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Government Contractors: Thriving, While Surviving COVID-19, Step #3


Step #3. Nurture your prospective relationships. Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Well you are correct, it kind of is, but sometimes, especially during times like these, simple needs to be echoed (sometimes with a megaphone). While we are all playing our part in the community to stop/slow the spread of COVID-19, don’t let social distancing […].

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COVID-19: Lean on a Virtual CFO


With all that’s going on we’ve been inundated with calls and messages asking for help. The most consistent themes? Cash Flow. How to I manage cash flow? And forecast cash requirements? Planning. When is the best time to make difficult decisions? Working with Lenders and Vendors. What’s the best way to communicate my situation? Employees. […].