Law360 and Cover Aruba Decision
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 18, 2019
Legal news sites Law360 and are reporting on the Aruba case following Tuesday’s ruling. See Law360 coverage here and here , and coverage here.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 18, 2019
Legal news sites Law360 and are reporting on the Aruba case following Tuesday’s ruling. See Law360 coverage here and here , and coverage here.
APRIL 15, 2019
We sat down with Katy Herr of Audacia Strategies to discuss how she came to be in the communications world and what her best practices are when it comes to helping companies that are going through transitions with investor relations and strategic communications. Be sure to subscribe!
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Appraisal Rights
APRIL 18, 2019
The Bloomberg article “ Appraisal Arbitrage Makes a Comeback ” analyzes the Aruba decision in comparison to other prominent appraisal cases.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 17, 2019
The Financial Times [$$] reported on the Delaware Supreme Court’s ruling addressing the efficient markets hypothesis in an article analyzing the Aruba decision.
Speaker: Susan Spencer, Principal of Spencer Communications
Intent signal data can go a long way toward shortening sales cycles and closing more deals. The challenge is deciding which is the best type of intent data to help your company meet its sales and marketing goals. In this webinar, Susan Spencer, fractional CMO and principal of Spencer Communications, will unpack the differences between contact-level and company-level intent signals.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 23, 2019
“Appraisal after Dell” by Professor Guhan Subramanian has been published in the book “The Corporate Contract in Changing Times: Is the Law Keeping up?” While the book covers a number of topics in recent corporate law, including challenges to Delaware primacy, activism, and disclosure-only settlements with respect to mergers, it also covers the oft-changing world of appraisal via Professor Subramanian’s article.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 16, 2019
JDSupra has published an article discussing recent valuation issues in five states: Louisiana, Georgia, West Virginia, Alaska, and Pennsylvania. While each decision covered is worth discussion in its own right, a comparative analysis of this kind lends itself to highlighting the similarities and differences between the states. In particular, how (and if) each state applies various discounts, including discounts for lack of marketability and minority discounts varies.
Business Valuation Zone brings together the best content for business valuation professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 11, 2019
In late March, Michigan Law hosted Professor Hidefusa Iida to discuss appraisal rights in Japan. Professor Iida previously published on appraisal rights in Japan, including in a 2014 article “Reappraising the Role of Appraisal Remedy.” The basics of Japanese appraisal, from Professor Iida’s article and this analysis , are similar to Delaware. Shareholders who dissent from certain major corporate actions, in particular, mergers, can – as in Delaware – demand ‘appraisal’ of their shares, meaning
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 9, 2019
Business divorce can arise in any privately owned business, often without warning. These can be divisive, long-lasting and expensive—straining both stakeholders and the business. The business valuator must carefully scrutinize the characteristics in the interest being valued to determine stakeholder equity. This includes reviewing business information and assessing equity risk in order to produce a value conclusion addressing those risk factors.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 4, 2019
As we have noted repeatedly, appraisal is a shareholder-protective remedy. While much of the academic and media commentary on appraisal focuses on Delaware and appraisal in the context of large public mergers, appraisal exists beyond Delaware, and in contexts far removed from headline making mergers. For example, in New York, appraisal rights are afforded to minority members of an LLC when they are involuntarily cashed out of their LLC – often referred to as a freezeout.
Appraisal Rights
APRIL 2, 2019
Legal news site Law360 is covering the Panera appraisal case – including a recent article discussing expert testimony in the matter. See Law360 coverage here [$$]. . ** Lowenstein Sandler is counsel to petitioners in Panera.
Speaker: Wayne Spivak - President and Chief Financial Officer of SBA * Consulting LTD, Industry Writer, and Public Speaker
The old adages that "cash is king" and "you can’t spend profits" still hold true today. But however well-known these sayings might be, it requires a change in mindset to properly implement a cash flow management system that predicts your business's runaway as accurately as possible. Key to this new mindset is understanding the difference between the Statement of Cash Flows, a historical look at the source and uses of cash, and the Cash Flow Statement, which uses transaction history and forward-l
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